I love kitchen towels. Je t'aime kitchen towels. I heart kitchen towels. For the millions of ways to say it, I really do!
Since this is my blog and I can talk about whatever I want to, it's kitchen towel day! I was just upstairs folding some laundry and ended up with a lovely stack of towels for my kitchen. Big Happy Sigh! I don't know why I like them so much. Okay, maybe I do.
The kitchen is a part of every single day of my life. I like to eat, okay. But sometimes it gets a little mundane to be there. I'm sure you've never felt this way.
Well, I do sometimes. But wait! I'll go to grab a towel and realize I threw it in the laundry last night and then I get to (note: GET to!) pull a new one out of the cupboard. Something pretty and clean and fresh and probably with some green in it, because I happen to like green a lot.
Here's my little happy stack.
Small disclaimer: please excuse the photos. BOTH my camera batteries were dead so I borrowed Lukes "beginner" camera (lol) and thus, beginner photos. Okay, maybe it's not a beginner camera. I just like mine WAY better. And know how to use it better.
Please notice the really bad photo of my towel label. This is from my absolute favorite kitchen towel on the planet. I only know one place in town to buy them and I only have one. But that is about to change. I have plans, big plans. To buy more. Possibly this week.
I got it at The Greenhouse downtown and it's pretty much a towel bestie if there ever was one. I never have to iron it. Well, I don't really iron ANY of my towels (Puh-lease) but these ones don't wrinkle. And they are big and pretty and my favorite. In case you didn't notice yet. And it has texture... oh, sweet, sweet texture.
And now that I realize I've been babbling about towels for more than two sentences, I'm going to stop. And pretend I didn't write about this topic at all.