On this February 15th, I feel the deep need to wish you a Happy Day After Valentine's Day! It's an actual day on the calendar. I promise you this. It may not be very obvious but it IS there.
And since I was kinda pregnant and tired yesterday, I didn't get near a computer once all day. However, this morning I logged into my facebook and caught up on all the updates from my nearest and dearest and also my farthest and acquaintanced. (is that a word? probably not...) And of course, plenty of Valentine's Day happiness posts were listed.
Lots of flowers and fancy dinners and romantic movies and creative dates. Even a husband who scrubbed the kitchen floors and organized the baby room for his expecting wife. You know what I got?
And you might think that I post this as a complaint. I really don't. A long, long time ago in a land far away... well, about 10 miles from here, my soon-t0-be boyfriend and then husband made his opinions known on Valentine's Day. Not a fan.
And then we proceeded to date and I proceeded to get roses and chocolates and all sorts of treats every Valentine's Day. Obviously I was just so fabulous that he decided to forgo his reasons for disliking the 14th of February. Obviously.
And then we got married.
And then we were sharing our money.
And I didn't really care so much about getting flowers on a day that he was "expected" to give them to me.
So we stopped doing Valentine's Day.
Yesterday morning, I woke up to my husband wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day... I'd forgotten. And then he made his annual little quip about how romantic it is that St. Valentine was imprisoned, beaten, stoned and beheaded. And I laughed. I think I encourage the annual speech because of this. He just thinks he's so funny because I laugh often at the things he says...
And then we got ready for the day. That was my Valentine's Day.
Now you may think this is totally the lamest thing IN THE WORLD but here's my logic. I would rather receive flowers or chocolate or a card on any other day of the year. Not because of my husband's gruesome facts about the 14th's patron saint. Nope. It's more because it's expected to get something on Valentine's Day. I would rather be going about my life on let's say... April 12th and be surprised by a bouquet of my favorite flowers. Or have a little love note arrive on January 2nd. I like the surprise. And I like that he didn't need a reminder or obligation to be romantic and thoughtful.
I don't say all this to minimize the romantic bliss that you may or may not have experienced yesterday. A lot of my favorite people really like the day. And I'm glad. I like seeing the people I care about feeling all warm and fuzzy and loved.
But this blog is called 'A Bonnie Life'... it's just what happened yesterday.
And now I must go. Eating and a shower and a trip to Costco await.
Happy Day After Valentine's Day!