Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Friday

On this Friday...

I am happy for the Korean girl who won her gold medal. Dang, she is quite the skater! Obviously.
I am happy that my dog only barked about 70 times today instead of 100. By noon.
I am happy that it's windy outside because I'm really warm right now.
I am happy that it's the weekend. Almost.

And I am happy that I have really only about 3 weeks left (approximately) until I can say I'm a Mommy and expecting anymore! Can anybody give me an AMEN to not peeing 25 times per day!

And that's all for today folks!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

A 2010 project

Sometime in January, I stumbled across Dave Ramsey and his book 'Total Money Makeover'. And for some strange reason, I ordered it online from Amazon and then read it in less than 4 days. This may not sound so amazing to you but if you know me, I have a terrible time reading anything non-fiction. I can probably count on one hand the amount of non-fiction books I've read from start to finish in my ENTIRE life. And a book about money? Sounds like a good time... ha!

I've started quite a few books on a variety of topics with strong intentions of learning and then finishing them. However, somewhere along the way, I get distracted by a really good story and end up forgetting all about whatever it was that originally drew me to the non-fiction book in the first place. It's just bad news with me and books that are supposed to make me learn something. To read this book on money in 4 days was quite an accomplishment. So much so, that my husband decided maybe he should read it too.

And once we had both finished the book, we made some MAJOR changes in our lives.

We cut up our credit cards.

Don't believe me?

Here's proof.

And then I had an emotional breakdown. You try cutting up credit cards with a commitment to not use them ever again. Right before having a baby... and nothing purchased for the baby yet.

Needless to say, it was really crazy but after I got over myself, I was really excited! Luke and I have gotten really committed to getting totally out of debt, including our mortgage. This may sound like a crazy thing to even aspire to but we got onto it right away. Here's what we've done so far...

1. We've sold some stuff in our house.
2. We've sold our stocks, which weren't necessarily an amazing amount BUT made a small dent.
3. We've cut our budget amount in half for food and fun and all of that. (NOT fun but worth it)

And then we started paying stuff off! It's kind of addicting! And it's working... we are kicking some major butt and I can say with confidence that aside from our mortgage, we'll be totally out of debt by the end of the year. Including cars. And student loans. Yup. There, I said it! It's a big project but I know we can do it.

So... with all this said, does anyone want to join us? Had somebody asked me this question before I read Dave's book, I would've laughed and rolled my eyes. But you really can do it. It's doable. Really. And I must admit that after I read this book, I wanted to buy it for everyone... everywhere... but Luke made a good point. If you really want this badly enough, you will want to buy the book yourself.

Good point.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Juice for thought

On this sunny Monday morning, I just have to say that I love orange juice. A lot. I think the baby does too because it's been one of my biggest pregnancy cravings. This month alone, I think I've gone through 5 cartons (thank heavens for Costco!) of the stuff.

And this morning... I ran out after barely half a glass.

This is serious stuff people.

But I do happen to have a few frozen ones in the freezer so I just have to move this slow body out to the garage, open the freezer, get out a new container, defrost it and then have a little bit more. Just a little bit. And maybe an extra little bit for good luck.

Doesn't that sound like a lot of work? It's just a lot of steps for some juice. But there's no arguing with the baby so I've just got to do it.

Maybe I'll live to tell about it tomorrow. Or the next day.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How many does it take...

How many people does it take to clean 3 bathrooms in 2 hours? Under normal circumstances, I would guess probably less than one whole singular person. But today, it took a 36 week pregnant me and my recovering-from-a-broken-collar-bone husband 2 whole hours to clean everything from top to bottom.

2 hours.


And I must confess that this is the reason why I haven't cleaned the bathrooms in a VERY long time. I just knew that if I attempted to do it all on my own, I would probably never recover from the depressing fact that I didn't finish. You'd find me collapsed on the floor in utter despair.

And in this whole "getting ready for the baby" thing, the bathrooms have been weighing heavily on me. It just felt like I couldn't accomplish smaller tasks around the house until the bathrooms were done. I know this is kind of a silly way to feel about things but it's just the way my brain works. And I DO realize that the bathrooms will not STAY clean until after the baby is born but I did accomplish something very, VERY important during the cleaning today.

I convinced my husband that we should hire a cleaner to clean our entire house from top to bottom before the baby arrives.

Yes, I know. I'm smart!

Because I don't think he wants to help me do it all again.

It was a good maneuver for a Sunday afternoon. But really, I do need to say a big "thank-you" to Luke for being my bathroom cleaning partner today. It really just made my week, in advance. That's a happy thing!

And tomorrow, we're going to hang the curtains and the picture frames in the baby room. Yes... I think we might just get all those 'to do' things done before the new love of our life arrives! I know he'll completely make all of our little efforts and preparations seem silly and meaningless next to his sweet self but for now, it keeps me sane and feeling like I just might make it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nearing the end??

I'm writing this post at 35 weeks, 2 days.

I am tired and wishing I was near the end. In some ways I really am close to the end but truthfully, I didn't start to feel tired of all this until about 2 weeks ago so another 5-6 weeks sounds like an awful long time to be "done".

And I'm cranky now.

I think that makes Luke feel like it's a long way to being done too.

But at least it's not another 12 weeks. That's something to be thankful for on this very tiresome day. That's something that has always helped me... finding something I can be thankful for, no matter what the situation. And tonight I'm thankful that my husband is making me dinner. And obviously a thousand other things but right now... that's a very happy thing. Not cooking.

And that's all for today. :-)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Day After Valentine's Day

On this February 15th, I feel the deep need to wish you a Happy Day After Valentine's Day! It's an actual day on the calendar. I promise you this. It may not be very obvious but it IS there.

And since I was kinda pregnant and tired yesterday, I didn't get near a computer once all day. However, this morning I logged into my facebook and caught up on all the updates from my nearest and dearest and also my farthest and acquaintanced. (is that a word? probably not...) And of course, plenty of Valentine's Day happiness posts were listed.

Lots of flowers and fancy dinners and romantic movies and creative dates. Even a husband who scrubbed the kitchen floors and organized the baby room for his expecting wife. You know what I got?


And you might think that I post this as a complaint. I really don't. A long, long time ago in a land far away... well, about 10 miles from here, my soon-t0-be boyfriend and then husband made his opinions known on Valentine's Day. Not a fan.

And then we proceeded to date and I proceeded to get roses and chocolates and all sorts of treats every Valentine's Day. Obviously I was just so fabulous that he decided to forgo his reasons for disliking the 14th of February. Obviously.

And then we got married.

And then we were sharing our money.

And I didn't really care so much about getting flowers on a day that he was "expected" to give them to me.

So we stopped doing Valentine's Day.

Yesterday morning, I woke up to my husband wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day... I'd forgotten. And then he made his annual little quip about how romantic it is that St. Valentine was imprisoned, beaten, stoned and beheaded. And I laughed. I think I encourage the annual speech because of this. He just thinks he's so funny because I laugh often at the things he says...

And then we got ready for the day. That was my Valentine's Day.

Now you may think this is totally the lamest thing IN THE WORLD but here's my logic. I would rather receive flowers or chocolate or a card on any other day of the year. Not because of my husband's gruesome facts about the 14th's patron saint. Nope. It's more because it's expected to get something on Valentine's Day. I would rather be going about my life on let's say... April 12th and be surprised by a bouquet of my favorite flowers. Or have a little love note arrive on January 2nd. I like the surprise. And I like that he didn't need a reminder or obligation to be romantic and thoughtful.

I don't say all this to minimize the romantic bliss that you may or may not have experienced yesterday. A lot of my favorite people really like the day. And I'm glad. I like seeing the people I care about feeling all warm and fuzzy and loved.

But this blog is called 'A Bonnie Life'... it's just what happened yesterday.

And now I must go. Eating and a shower and a trip to Costco await.

Happy Day After Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

In case you were wondering....

I've been fairly absent recently with my blog. I hate it. But to be honest, I've just been pregnant and tired lately. And my fingers are swollen with prego carpal tunnel. Thank-you water retention.

All excuses, I know but the thought of actually sitting down at the computer and thinking of something to write about... no wait. I can think of plenty of things to write about but actually loading my photos, posting them and THEN writing about them has seemed like a chore.

Sad for us all. ha!

But I'm here today.

I went swimming this morning and a very nice lady in the change room asked me how my pregnancy was going. I said it as going well but I was ready for it to be over! And then she said... well, you must only have about 2 weeks left right? WRONG!!! Over 5 weeks left lady. Yes, my belly is large but leave me alone.

Just in case you ever get into a conversation with an expecting chick, don't "guestimate" how much longer she has before the baby arrives. It's just cruel.

But I've over it now. Obviously.

On a happier note, tomorrow is another baby shower and I'm VERY excited about it! This was is being hosted by one of my close friends at her house and it's a church shower so there will be lots of great women there! I will take pictures of the loot and post it here at a later date.

Well, maybe. I say that a lot. I do take the pictures and then I don't post them. So maybe I'll post them! :-)

Have a happy Friday!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

I feel like I should be wishing you all a "Happy Super Bowl Sunday". In our house, the Super Bowl is like the 2nd most important holiday of the year. After Christmas. At least to my husband.

It seems for every other holiday, I'm busy preparing and cleaning and cooking for a party or visitors or some other fun thing. However, this special Sunday that comes only once a year is more my husband's baby. He invited people. He cleaned the house. He baked cookies and prepared nacho meat last night. Yes cookies. My husband likes to bake. And he made a good batch last night!

Usually, I'm excited for the game but sadly, this year I'm not. I just don't care about the teams playing... but if I have to choose, I'll vote for the Colts. As playoffs were winding down to the final week, I thought it would be great to have the Viking's veteran QB Brett Favre play against the Jets rookie QB Mark Sanchez. That was my vote. It didn't happen at all. Neither team. And now I'm forced to watch a game that doesn't really get me riled up at all. Not even a little bit.

I couldn't sleep past 5:20am which is so unusual for me and here I sit at 6:31am on Super Bowl Sunday. The living room has plenty of extra seating set up for all the people coming to our house this afternoon. And all I can think about is that I'm going to need a nap at some point today... how do you sleep with all those extra people cheering and the tv louder that we normally have it and all that food sitting on the table... BEGGING me to stay awhile?

It's just one of those things. But it does come just once a year so I'm going to make the most of it. And maybe I'll take a quick nap before the game if I can... maybe.