I had a few signs that I might be headed to the hospital and my friend who's a delivery room nurse basically told me to bring my bags before my doctor appointment just in case. Of course, my bags were not all the way packed which is probably ludicrous because I'm overdue but whatever. Luke had already left for work so I "ran" (loosely termed use of the word) around the house packing and hauled out all of our stuff to the car by myself. And then I quickly HAD to do another load of laundry, slice up some fruit "just in case" and a bunch of other craziness.
And I drove to the doctor's office, all keyed up that today is going to be THE day!
Long story short: it wasn't the day.
However, we did have to go to the hospital for a non-stress test as well as a fluid check. There was a lot of waiting involved in all of this, which I didn't really mind. Our doc appointment was at 11:15am and we didn't actually finish with everything until well after 3pm. But whatever.
So after the baby did a few smooth moves for the heart rate monitor, we were told to wait for someone to take us over to ultrasound. And then a nurse named Ina (She was my favorite. And yes, you may be our nurse when we go back for the birth of our baby. If I have a choice!) came in to let us know our "escort" had arrived. I walk out and there is a WHEELCHAIR waiting for me.
I'm like... "uh, do I actually have to sit in that???"
Apparently so.
Let's just ignore the fact that not only did I walk into this hospital on my own two feet but I also walked 6 miles over the weekend in a crazy attempt to induce labor. I really don't need that chair. But I sat in the chair and was pushed about the distance of 1.5 blocks through the hospital to ultrasound. Wow, I'm so glad they saved me all that walking?!?!? I didn't know what to say. Luke was laughing.
So we had the ultrasound, baby is fine and it's time to go back. The wheelchair is sitting in the room like a big elephant that we just don't want to talk about. And let me be clear on something. If you really do need a wheelchair, then it's a wonderful thing to use. I'm not bashing on that. What's so stupid is the policy that since I'm pregnant, I must need one. Which I don't. So I kinda talked the u/s tech into just walking back with us instead. And she obliged.
And miracle of all miracles, everything was just fine. :-)