Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What the...

Yesterday was quite an exciting day.

I had a few signs that I might be headed to the hospital and my friend who's a delivery room nurse basically told me to bring my bags before my doctor appointment just in case. Of course, my bags were not all the way packed which is probably ludicrous because I'm overdue but whatever. Luke had already left for work so I "ran" (loosely termed use of the word) around the house packing and hauled out all of our stuff to the car by myself. And then I quickly HAD to do another load of laundry, slice up some fruit "just in case" and a bunch of other craziness.

And I drove to the doctor's office, all keyed up that today is going to be THE day!

Long story short: it wasn't the day.

However, we did have to go to the hospital for a non-stress test as well as a fluid check. There was a lot of waiting involved in all of this, which I didn't really mind. Our doc appointment was at 11:15am and we didn't actually finish with everything until well after 3pm. But whatever.

So after the baby did a few smooth moves for the heart rate monitor, we were told to wait for someone to take us over to ultrasound. And then a nurse named Ina (She was my favorite. And yes, you may be our nurse when we go back for the birth of our baby. If I have a choice!) came in to let us know our "escort" had arrived. I walk out and there is a WHEELCHAIR waiting for me.

I'm like... "uh, do I actually have to sit in that???"

Apparently so.

Let's just ignore the fact that not only did I walk into this hospital on my own two feet but I also walked 6 miles over the weekend in a crazy attempt to induce labor. I really don't need that chair. But I sat in the chair and was pushed about the distance of 1.5 blocks through the hospital to ultrasound. Wow, I'm so glad they saved me all that walking?!?!? I didn't know what to say. Luke was laughing.

So we had the ultrasound, baby is fine and it's time to go back. The wheelchair is sitting in the room like a big elephant that we just don't want to talk about. And let me be clear on something. If you really do need a wheelchair, then it's a wonderful thing to use. I'm not bashing on that. What's so stupid is the policy that since I'm pregnant, I must need one. Which I don't. So I kinda talked the u/s tech into just walking back with us instead. And she obliged.

And miracle of all miracles, everything was just fine. :-)


Monday, March 29, 2010

cankles: defined

Today, I would like to talk about cankles. If you've never heard of this term before, keep reading.

Once upon a time, I had ankles. And they were actually kind of boney ankles. And then I started taking on water like the Titanic and suddenly, like magic... Cankles.

Here are a couple of definitions:

Urban Dictionary: Noun. A sight common among the morbidly obese. The point at which one is so obese that there is no thinning of the leg between the calf and the ankle, which creates a sense of fusion between the two.

Wikipedia: An obese or otherwise swollen ankle that blends into the calf without clear demarcation.

Apparently someone forgot to mention pregnancy in these definitions. Because I have cankles that make my husband laugh. And then feel badly. And then massage my feet and ankles to try and help me out a little bit.

If anyone could help me out with the term for really swollen toes and feet, that would be really great. There must be one out there somewhere. I just don't have time to get around to this research because I have an appointment in a bit. So if you do happen to have some extra time, I'm looking for a definition for feet that look like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. You know what I'm talking about!

And have a nice day! :-)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

I realize I do this a lot. When I am trying to think about what to title my posts, I lean on the day of the week. Sorry about this... sometimes it's just too easy. Like today.

Because today I am still pregnant. And I could type a 1000 word essay right now about why I think I should have this baby out of my belly but it still wouldn't make a difference. So it's "Thursday Thoughts".

So that's my first thought. Still pregnant. And wondering why.

In other news, we watched 'Last Chance Harvey' last night with Dustin Hoffman. He has a nice smile. You can't tell a lot about what actors are really like in person because well, they are acting. But I would like to think that he's really nice. He has a friendly face. On the other hand, I have heard that Chevy Chase is a total turd. Just not a nice man. And he's kind of annoying so I don't really mind that maybe he's a jerk but if Dustin was a jerk, I'd be a little disappointed. Just a little. It's not like I've invested emotionally into his off-screen personality. But the movie was good... a little depressing at first but whatever. It quickly improved.

I really need to get a good list of movies to watch right now. I am literally DONE every single thing in our house (except for one thing I just don't want to get done) and I don't know what to do with my time.

Shopping? For what? Sheets that fit my protruding belly??

Groceries? We have way too much food in our house as it is... because you know, the baby could come at ANY moment.

Visit friends? It's an option. But then I'd have to get out of my pajamas.

And everything else is done. Book keeping, taxes filed, stuff for work all done, house cleaned, paperwork done... I don't even have any tv shows to catch up on.

Do you have any suggestions? Hmmmm?

Oh, I have an idea. I will attempt to give myself a pedicure. Because that will take ALL DAY. I'm not joking. Maybe I will make a video of myself doing a pedicure and then post it on YouTube. I will be famous. Because it will take so freakin' long and it will be so sad.

So maybe not. Maybe I'll just sit and wait. Okay? Okay.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Short word about "pre-labor"

So far, I've thought I was going into labor 3 times. And last night I thought this was it FOR SURE. And now I know it was just practice. Again.

With that said, I'm going to take a nap. Because I can. Because I don't have a newborn baby needing me all the time yet.

See... something to be thankful for!

Monday, March 22, 2010

When I'm not "out to here"

Over the past few months, I've been strictly in maternity clothes. And some sweatpants that still fit from my previously un-pregnant life. As the days of this pregnancy have been slowly drawing to a close, I've started to think about style again. You know, nice clothes that make you feel good?

So today, I'm going to point out just a FEW (trust me, there are many) things that I would love to try on after the baby is born. Obviously not in the first while... I'll be celebrating the move back into early pregnancy clothes first! But eventually, I'll want to try on some new jeans and cute tops that don't billow!

To start, let me introduce you to my new friend Boden. Actually, not really new and not really my friend either but I'd like to think we could be sometime soon! I love Boden's stuff. You can find it at www.bodenusa.com and goodness, did I drool over the catalog this past fall when I knew for a fact that I wouldn't fit into any of it. But that's all about to change!

Unfortunately this sweater is almost out of stock. I won't be owning it.

I'm always a fan of a good cardigan. And the t-shirt too!

Notice. No pregnancy panel. How nice. These may take awhile to be a contender for me.

Cute right?

These are from Gap. I will say that I do have trouble fitting their pants. Either too short or too long but for spring, maybe the too longs with a heel! My feet may just fit into some!!!

I love this t-shirt! It reminds me of my friend Amani but I think I would like to wear it too! After my mommy arms come in. ha ha! You know, all that muscle from lifting a growing boy?

This sweet little number is from piperlime.com. I want it all! Even with flip flops (more my everyday thing in the summer) this outfit will be cute!

See, just a few things... for starters.

I could go on all day. I just popped over to a few websites for about 3.7 seconds and I already found so many things I could just add to my shopping cart and enjoy! I'm sure this is a big comfort to my husband. Right honey? I just need to remind him that if I look good, he looks good. It's just a fact of life. It really is.

And really, the only reason I'd even THINK of buying any of these things is because I care about him. Aren't I selfless? And thoughtful?

I'd like to think so! ;-)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sew disastrous

Yesterday I said I was going to make my dog a little bed. Well, I truly did have good intentions of doing this. I sewed the cover almost all the way, had it all measured for the down bedding and then I cut into my old down mattress and within about 2.4 seconds, I realized this was a bad idea.

And then I kept cutting.

Did you know that there are probably about 5 million feathers in a single bed-sized down mattress? I know that now. I did have the common sense (if you can call it that) to drag the thing outside after I saw what a mess this could be and then I kept going. I cut off the size that I needed and tried to stuff the feathers into that spot so they wouldn't get all over everything. This didn't really work so well.

Basically, our front porch looked like I'd plucked about 15 geese. Feathers ALL OVER... and some inside the house all over too. Which was especially lame because my house was totally clean and ready for this baby to arrive. Ugh. Long story short, I decided to NOT use the feather bed and it's outside waiting for Luke to do something with it. I swept most of the feather evidence off the porch but there are still some stuck in the screen and on the porch. Just a subtle reminder of my bad choices.

And then, because I felt that I should keep going, I decided to use an old down pillow insert in the closet instead... I don't know why this didn't occur to me in the first place. But suddenly it did so I kept sewing the cover even though by this time, I was really kinda mad. I got to just about the end and my bobbin ran out of thread. And because I was already so irritated at the mess all over my floors and outside, instead of refilling my bobbin and finishing my project, I threw it away. Just like that. So, my dog is not getting a homemade doggie bed. The one he was enjoying is now on the porch, ready for the garbage and I am freshly reminded why I totally don't love sewing.

But he did get a walk yesterday, barked quite a bit at everything and a stranger actually picked him up at the park so overall, I don't think he minded too much.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Dog Days of almost spring.

Today is Doggie Day. Deeter, my little doggie, Day. I am coming to the end of my projects to get done before the BIG DAY.

You know how Taco Bell advertises 2nd dinner and on the Office when Pam was pregnant she would share all those extra meals with Kevin?? First lunch, second lunch, snack and first dinner before work was over? Well, Deeter treats naps like that.

He was let out of his kennel around 8:30am this morning and after slowly stretching out of his kennel (he's an expert at downward facing dog), he moves either towards the heating vent under the sink or like today, to the ray of sunshine coming in through our glass sliding door and collapses onto the floor for his first official nap of the day. After being awake for about 45 seconds.

This is not a joke.

We've never been able to put him on a regular dog schedule. You know, where they wake up, go potty, eat their breakfast and then proceed to chill out? Nope. He doesn't usually "wake up" for the morning until noon or 1pm. Then he's desperate for potty and desperate for some food. And then he goes back to sleep. Preferably in the sun if we've got it.

So on this Thursday, this special Thursday for my dog, I'm making him a special doggie bed. He cannot tolerate regular dog beds or even pillows filled with regular stuffing. He has such little patience for these things that he needs to rip them to shreds and empty them of their stuffing.

As quickly as possible.

Needless to say, we have down-filled pillows in our living room. He enjoys laying on these ones... expensive taste for a dog if you ask me. So he's getting a down-filled bed.

Back when I first went to college, I bought a feather mattress to go on top of the one provided by the housing people at my school and I still have it. It's not been used in many, MANY years and I was wondering what the heck to do with it in my nesting mode. It just seems so wasteful to toss out such a large amount of feathers so I'm going to cut it to size for a good dog bed, make a removable flannel cover (not fleece... he likes to eat fleece too) and then call it good. And then maybe I'll send the insides to the dry cleaner. Maybe.

It's also my dog's day today because I'm fixing a "down substitute" blanket that I REALLY like myself when we watch movies that he happened to figure out wasn't really down at all. He ate 2 holes into it and started to "unstuff" it before I finally caught him. So that needs to get sewn up and then washed. I'm hoping if he has this big bed of his, maybe he'll leave my stuff alone, no pun intended. It's a risk.

And maybe he'll get a walk today. That would pretty much make it his day! He lives for walks. We can't even say the word around here. It's W-A-L-K for now. He hasn't caught on. So maybe he'll get one of those today. But it's really more about me wanting to get my labor started, not about how much he would enjoy a walk. That's secondary.

But we won't talk about that too much more.

Happy Deeter Doggie Day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It's a terrible thing to fester.

I woke up this morning, realized I was still "with child" and wondered if the day would ever come when the baby would decide to make an entrance. Or exit, depending on how I look at this. I realize my due date isn't until Sunday but it's just torture to wait for so many reasons.

It's torture to wait because I know so many people who had their babies early. It's torture to wait because I am SO SLOW and CUMBERSOME and I would love to know what a few pounds less feels like very soon! And lots of other stuff. Like knowing there's a full grown baby in my tummy that I could be holding and loving right this second if he were out... Which I can't wait to do! My house is so "done" and ready and waiting for the baby that I don't really have a lot to do.

Okay, that's a lie.

I have the following left to do:
  • organize the guest room (but I just don't CARE anymore about this room)
  • write a thousand thank-you cards
  • mail a mass mailer at the post office for Luke (ok, I did that... took a break writing this)
  • Fed/Ex an expense report (did that too!)
  • maybe sew my dog a doggie bed. I have all the stuff to make it.
  • and maybe some other stuff. I'm sure I could come

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I woke up this morning and asked my body... why are you still pregnant?

And then I lay there and waited for an answer. Nothing happened. So I went back to sleep.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

There will be a day

As much as I've been so profoundly happy to be pregnant, there will be a day when I'm not pregnant anymore. And I CAN'T WAIT!!! Just the other day I was thinking about all the things I am so excited to do that are literally impossible right now. Or sadly pathetic to attempt. One or the other.

Here's what I'm excited for about not being pregnant anymore:

  1. I will clip my toenails
  2. Putting on shoes will no longer be comical or frustrating and will take a very short amount of time
  3. I can wear the shoes I like, not just the ones that fit
  4. If I drop something on the floor, I can pick it up without wondering if it's really worth the effort
  5. I won't fall onto the toilet anymore
  6. Getting out of bed in the morning won't be an insurmountable task
  7. Sleeping with 5 pillows will be luxury instead of necessity
  8. Coffee. Nothing more to say on this...
  9. The lavender in my front yard can get cleaned up from winter. I actually hate this task every year but I hate it even more that I can't really do it right now.
  10. As much as we learn as children that 'slow and steady wins the race'... I don't really do the whole slow and steady thing. I like to get things done NOW. And I will... someday!
  11. Wear normal clothes that I actually like to wear. Because of my incredible talent to spill things, I have been losing maternity shirts to the "stained forever bin" and I have about 3 left.
  12. Grocery shop without people giving me wide clearance while staring at my belly
  13. Shave my legs. This will be epic
  14. Sit down without my boobs resting on my tummy. I'm wondering if I just delete this one...
  15. Get off the couch unassisted
  16. Walk for however long I want without wondering whether my hip will decide to bail on me
  17. Wear the Costco man socks around the house without moving around gallons of water in my body
This is by no means a complete or completed list. I reserve the right to add to this list at any given time.

A Life List

This morning Luke and I were reading some of my favorite blogs together and we checked out his cousin Jodi's website (www.jodimichelle.com) and I introduced him to her life list. It's so full of cool stuff that even I'd like to do... specifically the swank dress in NYC/martini order one. Jodi, we should meet up and do this one together. I'd be a totally worthy friend to order drinks with. Just give me some time so I can fit into something other than a tarp.

Side note: I just killed a spider that was hiding on a Costco coupon I cut out the other day. I don't understand WHY they seem to think my house is a good place to be. I'm a spider killer. I show no mercy. And now the coupon is kinda goopy and probably won't be used anymore.

Okay, back to my topic.

Life List.

So now Luke wants to US to do a life list. 50 things each and put them together and see what we are going to be doing. And first thing I think of is this: What if I hate some of his life list things? Do I have to go along with them anyway? Maybe I'll add something like "visit the Barbie Museum" if it exists just because I know he will LOATHE that with all of his heart and I might sort of enjoy it. My sort of enjoyment is worth his loathing.

I asked him about my concern... what if I hate your life list? Or even one thing on it? His reply: well, I just do that all by myself. His example: Maybe I want to live in Mexico for 20 years. I can do that alone and then tell you how it went. Did I mention I love my husband? Did I mention that he's kind of a dork but that I am too so I chose wisely?

And really, I guess we don't have to share all the things on our list but he can't just disappear for 20 years to accomplish one of his. Or even for a month. I would have to hunt him down and then he'd be sorry I found him and that little life list wish would be forever obliterated.


Destroyed without hope of resurrection.

Just so you know.

And since we skipped out on church today because it may be our last weekend day ever without children, maybe we'll do this little project. It seems like a nice thing to do on the possible last full day of freedom before we have a little fellow demanding attention from us... that we can't wait to give him! Other than our dog Deeter who is also VERY little and VERY demanding. But we don't really care about him.

Okay, that's all for this Sunday.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So I'm 70+ years old now?

Okay, so first things first.

I learned to knit. Again.

A few of years ago, when it was SO TRENDY to learn to knit, I taught myself how. With a book from the library. I will boldly say that it's very difficult to learn how to knit with pictures. But I sorta did learn and tried to knit a scarf but it looked so bad that I didn't finish it and that was the end of my trendy knitting.

But then I ended up back in a knitting shop a couple months ago with my Dad's wife. She's learning how to spin and was looking for a wheel. There was this beautiful cotton blanket on display (you know, something you'd pay through the nose for at a home store) and I wanted it. More specifically, I wanted to make it.

So I signed up for a knitting class so I could learn properly and make things that actually look good. And I needed to learn before I have this baby. So I had my class, learned how to knit a baby blanket and now I'm knitting it.

Which leads me to why I'm talking about being 70.

Last night we had to drive to IKEA for some extra furniture for my husband's new office and I brought my knitting along. He gives me this funny look as we're driving and of course, I need t know what's going on behind the look so I asked... 'what's that about'??? He basically said he thought that only people over 70 knitted, and now me.

So I proudly informed him that lots of people knit. I have a friend who crochets and it was even trendy a few years ago. Ahem.

It's not like I sit and home and knit all day. I can snowboard BETTER than my husband. I mountain bike every now and again. I'm pregnant so clearly, I'm not 70. And that's besides the point, there are many cool people who are 70+ years old. I will be there someday and I hope to rock those years!

But I knit now. Below 30.

The end.

Friday, March 12, 2010

OH BABY... room!

After much deliberation and planning, we finally put together our baby's bedroom! I do have two more things to do still but they won't happen until after the baby is born. One item because of product availability and the other because I am ready to be done for awhile!

So... where to start? How about "In the beginning..."

In the beginning, this room used to be sort of the "drum room" and everything else that didn't have a home dropping ground.

Not really much going on. Notice the '80s mini blinds.

And sadly, Luke's drums that have been sent to the 'Man Shack'

It was kind of an ordeal to get this stuff out of the room because of Luke's broken collar bone and my 3rd trimester fatigue/awkwardness/I don't feel like it-ness. And this is like half-way through January when all the pregnancy emails say we should be packing our bags and the nursery should be just about done. Um... nope.

And it didn't help that I agonized over furniture, etc for quite some time so I was feeling the crunch! Even knowing that the baby doesn't really care about this stuff... well, I CARE! I like rooms that look nice! So it had to be done!

I think Luke felt the intensity too!

A wise friend once told me that I should definitely have a clock in the nursery because it can feel like 5 hours have passed when the baby is crying and really, it's been about 12 minutes so it's good to have a clock/ahem, perspective on hand.

Thank-you IKEA!

Here's our rocking chair! This took quite awhile to find! There is a blank spot on the wall above and I'm going to get one of Luke's totally adorable "when he was little" drawings put onto canvas and hang it here! This is the thing I just don't feel like doing right now. It means digging through Luke's boxes in the garage for the right picture. Maybe another time.

The light fixture we first picked was a BIG mistake. So we went with this little thing. It works!

Here's the shelf that I HAD to have for this baby's room. Someday Hudson will appreciate it! I mean, what child wouldn't just be thrilled with all that storage!

Note another blank wall. There is a shelf that will go here and all those stuffed animals will be moved up... but it's not available until April. And then we'll put some more framed photos on the table.

Here's the dresser/changer. That changer comes off so this will be our boy's dresser for a VERY long time. I love the pictures by Norman Rockwell. Lots of sports. Maybe he will like sports? Maybe not. No pressure. Except for mountain biking... Just kidding.

And my favorite part! The crib! And polka dots! And very luxe curtains, which I must add with pride, were Luke's choice! He's had plenty of input into this room and he's got some good taste! I can't help but smile when I see this. It looks like a happy place to go to sleep and wake up!

Well, there you have it. Baby Hudson's bedroom!

Notable mentions: Thanks to my mom for helping me paint! Thanks to Luke's mom for single-handedly putting together the rocking chair and for helping with the shelf! Luke sat and watched. Something about a broken collar bone or some other lame excuse. But we don't need to go there. Anyway, THANK-YOU!!! And to Ron as well for helping move the drums! And Thanks to my friend Romay for teaching me to make the polka dots! And making a few herself! :-)

Next on my list: write thank-you notes to all the awesome people I know who blessed us with loads of baby things! This may take awhile...

Thanks for reading my blog!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pregnancy Survival Guide

Being pregnant for the first time in my life, I didn't really know much of anything going into this. Nobody really tells you what it's going to be like. Even having several friends who've had several babies didn't really prepare me for what these past 9 months would be like.

And now, because I have this whole arsenal of information, I'm going to share with you the MUST HAVES for pregnancy. Well, at least my pregnancy. And you should pay attention because at some point you'll either be pregnant or know someone who is. And they will kiss your feet for sharing this information. If they can bend down... but that's another story.

1. Swimming: Do it. I am a literal water storage tank right now and swimming has basically allowed me to NOT turn into a total living nightmare for everyone around me.
2. The IKEA shoe horn: You can actually get your shoes on.
3. Chair massager: It's saved my husband's life many times.
4. Memory foam topper: Ours is 3 inches thick and I have not had one bad night of sleep since we bought it. Again, saved my husband's life many times.
5. Running shoes: I don't know what it is but basically, my feet are swollen all the time and when I tie my shoes tight, it keeps my feet from falling apart. (little side note on this... my sister-in-law commented that my style has changed since I've been pregnant. Let's be clear on this... I don't have any style right now. After the end of November, my "cute" clothes just didn't work anymore. And when you feel large, you don't feel cute in anything so I'm not wearing running shoes a lot. And besides, my nice tall boots just don't fit unless I have a few "helpers" to get them on)
6. A good sense of humor: People just say weird things to you when you're pregnant. And sometimes, it's just not funny. Better to smile and nod if this happens to you.

That's it for today. I was all inspired about what I was going to write earlier today but now I just want to get my stuff done and have this baby. Maybe today? We'll see.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cheeky Cheeky.

When I first started blogging, I was determined to use photos to help make my posts more interesting. Because I like to take pictures and I figured... you'd probably like to see some pictures.

And then I got pregnant. And my camera suddenly felt heavy and burdensome.

So no pictures for awhile. Just a little while longer.

All I really had on my mind this morning is this one single solitary thought to share with you...

I love my little dog's cheeks. They are very nice. And soft. I could eat them... not really but you know what I mean. And wouldn't a photo just really help make this post seem a little bit more fun? A cheeky photo? Again, I apologize.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Cravings during pregnancy is a very strange bird. A weird and wonderful thing. And probably a little bit disturbing.

Prior to pregnancy, I could describe a craving as something that maybe struck my mind as sounding kinda yummy and maybe I should do something about it. A craving during those very long 9 months is more like... if I don't get my hands on this food in about 3.7 seconds, I'm going to go crazy. And I mean CRAZY. No joke. Ask Luke.

And the weirdest thing I've learned about these cravings is that they evolve. I have not craved a single food item the entire time I've been pregnant. In fact, during the 1st trimester, I kept waiting for a craving. I finally discovered the first one sometime during peach season. And did I ever eat peaches! In fact, I canned 50 lbs of them as well... you know, just in case. I didn't want to run out during the winter months. But sometime around October, that craving kinda died. And I have jars and jars of peaches to eat still. They are still tasty but it's not like I'm going to keel over and die to open a jar anymore.

And then there was the 2% milk thing. That's lasted the longest I think... we were at a friend's house for dinner and she offered a few different beverages and kind of last minute was like... oh and we have milk too. And for someone who NEVER, EVER likes milk to drink, I though... maybe I should have some milk. Well, I drank 4 glasses of milk DESPERATELY and QUICKLY. And since that fateful day, I don't know how much money we've spent on the stuff. It's like a drug. I have to have it. And if we're out, it's an emergency. Again, ask Luke.

So, today I thought it would be fun to look back on my many cravings because they seem to be slowing down a bit. I'm not as desperate to have whatever it is that I'm craving. I'm getting to the end of this whole party. But here's the list...

1. Peaches
2. 2% Milk (preferably Northwest Farms 2% organic from Fred Meyer. It just tastes the best out of all of them... and we've tried them all.)
3. Orange Juice with at least 4 ice cubes and a little bit of water and a STRAW. Very important.

Funny... while I'm typing about my cravings, the baby is moving around plenty! He obviously likes these foods too!

Moving on.

4. Oreo blizzards from Dairy Queen. This one only lasted a little while.
5. Cheeseburgers. Particularly the Bonzai Burger from Red Robin and the Boomer Burger from a local drive-in.
6. Tums. Just kidding.
7. Grapes, oranges... generally fruit. I ate a lot. I could eat a whole batch of grapes, bananas and oranges from Costco on my own in one week. No apologies.

And I think that's about it. Unless I'm forgetting something. Oh, I am! My latest one for the last few days has been strawberry smoothies... Strawberries, ice, milk and soy yogurt. SO good!

Oh, and I've also been craving Root Beer and Pepsi these last few weeks. I haven't given in to this one very often but when I do.... :-)

And I really think that's it now. Unless I'm forgetting something. Really, another topic altogether. Forgetfulness aka Pregnancy Brain. I think I'll just end this now.

Sunshine at my house

In my part of the world, a sunny day is priceless before late spring. And here I sit, squinting my eyes because of the bright light that is pouring into my home. And I love it!

And I just realized I'd rather be enjoying the sun than sitting here blogging. Sorry.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gone Swimming

Today is Tuesday. And it's not just any regular Tuesday if you live in my world. Today is the day I go swimming at the pool. Well, one of the days at least. Normally, I meet my friend who is also expecting a baby and we deep water run and talk for an hour. Because it would be boring to do this alone with nobody to talk to...

And as of today, I'm officially on my own. With nobody to talk to.

Because... there is a baby in the process of being born RIGHT NOW!!! Probably more than that all over the world but in my world, there is one coming right now! I'm very excited!

But I'm also swimming alone. For at least a couple more weeks.

With all of this said, I just wanted you to feel sorry for me. Just go ahead and feel it. How sad that Bonnie has to swim alone with nobody to talk to. Very sad.

But then feel happy. Because I'm still going to go swimming and that's a good thing!

k... bye!

And I'm the first to admit that maybe I'm a total moron. :-)