Friday, September 24, 2010

The Conflict

Oh angst.

It's 8:53pm and I really want to be upstairs, taking a bath, starting a new book and I feel this terrible obligation to write a blog post. I have been a lame blogger lately. I even have time these days. But I'll think about writing something and then not. And then think of about 86 different things I could be writing about and then not.

Angst. Blogger angst.

I kind of laugh the guffawing kind when I think of "teenage angst" because we all know what this means and what it looks like but really, I like the word angst too. It has a nice ring to it. Hudson has the baby variety from time to time and I guess we can all get it. Anyway, now that I'm totally off topic... from whatever it is that I'm writing about...

Oh yes, avoiding blogging.

I think today I will write about fruit flies.

If I could invent a product that would instantly KILL all fruit flies within a 20 foot radius, I would. But I'm not really an inventor. I'm more like the brains behind the inventor. I come up with the problem for an inventor to fix. Like killing all the fruit flies in my kitchen. They will even be gone for a couple of days and then I put a SINGLE banana on the counter and they come out in droves. I guess I could just claim it's talent but really this is getting ridiculous. I can't take it anymore.

In other news...

We're going to see Jack Johnson in concert in Vancouver on October 1st. YAY! I haven't been to a BIG concert in a few years (like 20K+ ppl)... guess what the last one was? You'll never guess. Il Divo. Yup, those Italian guys that sing sappy love songs with a live orchestra. I took my Mom! It was actually a really great show and totally entertaining... all these 50-60 year old women swooning and screaming for these tall, dark, handsome men. My mom and I laughed and laughed. I think she was secretly swooning as well but I'm pretty confident she'd never admit it.

Just in case you were wondering what would make all those Moms/Grandmas get all screaming like it's the Backstreet Boys. This is it folks.

Anyway, back to Jack Johnson. It's going to be great! It'll be a really good reason to get dressed up, put some make-up on and go on a good, long date with Luke. And then we'll sing along with thousands of other people we don't know to Jack's music. His concerts apparently turn into sing-a-longs. I like it already! I bought these tickets for Luke's first ever Father's Day and it was probably the best gift I've bought him in years... just because Jack is his favorite musician. Ever. He knows all the lyrics.

And that's it for tonight. Time to go start a good (hopefully) book and look forward to a great weekend with my guys. And maybe I'll blog again. Because after the first paragraph, which feels like pulling teeth to me, I'm actually enjoying myself.


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