Thursday, August 19, 2010

Faux Pas

So, I'm a dork.

I feel like I should just put that out there first thing because I think it prepares you for a lot of things that I tend to say. But today I'm feeling it.

My friend Diane sent me this super awesome apron for my birthday. It's green and patterned and has a little ruffle and everything. I'm totally gonna use it because I have this bad habit of wiping my kitchen foodie hands all over my clothes while I cook and it just makes a mess. Anyway, so I got this wonderful gift in the mail and I needed to call her and thank her. So I called her this morning.

Guess what time it was?


And after she answered the phone, a little surprised to hear from me, I realized the time. And then I was like, OH MY GOODNESS. I AM SO SORRY! lol. I've been up since 5:50am so by 8am, it feels like the middle of the day. At least she'd been up kinda early too so it wasn't life altering. I think we're still friends. :-)

A couple of weeks ago I did the same thing, calling my mom at 7:30am to ask her a question... actually, I think it was to see if she wanted Deeter (read previous posts). But I quickly hung up when I realized that it was still so early. I don't think she woke up. I hope not. And can you imagine being woken up to be asked if you want someone else's annoying little dog? I'd say no, just out of principle. Even if I wanted to say yes. I'd have to say no.

In my mind, 9am is the best time to start phone calls, unless it's your doctor's office or something like that. They open at 8am and hope you'll call them. It gives the receptionist something to do. At least I'd like to think they're glad to hear from me... (awkward silence).

Well, that's my thought for this morning. Don't call before 9am. I mean, you can call ME before 9am because I'm awake. And totally doing my day already so go for it. I just mean other people and mostly, just me calling other people. I'm really preaching to myself here... I'm part of the problem and I'm trying to not be anymore. :-)

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