Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Golf, Profanities and other fun things

Last Friday was my husband's birthday. I had this surprise day planned for him with all sorts of activities that he loves! Each step of the day was revealed in an envelope with some but not all the information just to keep him guessing.

When our little guy woke up, I informed him that I would be in charge of all diapers for the day and to go back to sleep. No argument from him! Then I woke him at 7:30am (yes, this is sleeping in!) and gave him his first envelope. Basically, you have 50 minutes to get ready because we are leaving at exactly 8:20am and driving to a mystery destination for breakfast. He was ready at 8:20am. So prompt, my honey is.

He figured out about 1 block from his Mom's house that we were heading there for breakfast. The next envelope contained instructions to look in the trunk of our car and a promise from me to NOT get too frustrated. (this is a LONG story and I will post tomorrow all about it!) He found his golf clubs in the car and said he'd kinda guessed that when he read my promise. So we headed off, sans Hudson, to a 9-hole golf course that Luke likes to play at and had ourselves a good game.

Luke didn't get the ball in from WAY over there. Sorry to throw you under the bus, hon... 

This was at our 2nd hole. I was feeling the good form. Actually, I learned it was bad form... but whatever. I was trying hard and behaving quite well for being out in public.

 This didn't last long. I can't help but misbehave in places where you're supposed to be good.

I didn't point this at anyone though. It was mostly for shock effect.

Basically, we had a GREAT time! I learned that I'm not anywhere near a pro at golf. Not even a semi-pro. We actually agreed that my official title would be "quarter-amateur" which is a little disappointing for me but I did hit a 63 on 9 holes, not counting the hits I didn't count because of our "special" rules. Basically, I suck. 

The rest of the day included lunch from Avenue Bread (YUM!!!), a massage for Luke while I prepared for his birthday party and then a party with great friends and family, more food that an elephant could eat and a heated croquet tournament. And yes, tempers were lost. In a good way... 

So that's that. There actually aren't any profanities or other things in this post. It's mostly about golf. And Luke's birthday, which was awesome! I just figured you'd be more likely to read it if I had a naughty title. Sorry.

P.S. The reason for my GREAT efforts every year on Luke's birthday is that my own birthday is 20 days later and when I raise the bar high, he always goes a little bit farther for mine! Happy Birthday to me! ;-)

P.P.S. What was the best surprise you've ever had for your birthday?

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