Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Not-So-Little Problem

Gardening has always been something I want to be good at. "Want to be" being the operative here. Our flowers are looking okay this year so I'm just going to sit back and chill out about that. However, I did plant another veggie garden this year, in the hopes of doing it the right way. We got the right soil, I ordered organic veggie starts and set up a good watering system so they didn't die from my apparent lack of motivation to drag the hose across the yard. I even set up an alarm on my phone to remind me to water the garden. So we planted. And waited...

Things were starting to grow really well for a bit and then one day, I went to check on my little project and... all the lettuce was nibbled... down to stubs. I was kinda mad. Then about 2 days later, the peas and green beans were all eaten down to about 4 inches from the ground. I was SO mad at this point... what could possibly be eating my veggies?

And two days ago, I checked again and all 4 bell pepper plants have been eating completely. Gone. Blood pressure check... pissed. Before the bell pepper demolition, someone had suggested birds since they like to nibble lettuce and beans so I bought netting. But obviously a bird isn't going to snarf down 4 entire plants in 1 night. I wasn't sure who could be doing this.

Until this morning.

The hose was not connected because we'd mowed the lawn yesterday so I went to hook it back up and noticed a very health, very well-fed bunny rabbit trying to hustle out of our yard as I was walking towards the garden. So now we know it's a bunny. He or she bunny was CHUNKY. I'm assuming my plants have been quite delicious since we will never know ourselves at this point.

So what do we do??? Kill the bunny? Trap the bunny? How do you keep one of those things out of your yard?? I'll be googling. I don't think I could kill it. "Furry, fuzzy, cute" ... all words that don't really work well for me in the same sentence as "kill".

So that's the problem for today. What do we do with the adorable bunny who's eating my garden?

1 comment:

jodimichelle said...

Fox pee. Also cinnamon works well - or red pepper flakes. Depending. ;)