Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Well, okay maybe the title is a little bit presumptuous of me but since I'm 25lbs heavier than normal and still growing, leave it alone please.

Basically, I only have one thing to say this morning...

The memory foam mattress is a MIRACLE! MIRACLE I tell you. I am beyond relieved.

No longer sleepless,

1 comment:

Meredith said...

So, I just read all your blogs up until this point and, pretty much, they are HI-larious. I truly loved the "boobs getting boobier" one. And your commentary on straws is SO true, I totally agree. Also I've always wondered about those memory foam mattresses, maybe you could do a piece about whether or not when you move you fall back into the memory foam cave your body already made? By the way, you type exactly the way you talk and that makes it all the more funny because it's like I'm hearing you in font form.
Thanks for the laughs.