Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blogging: Basically talking to yourself

I don't really know why I blog.

I don't write about anything really meaningful and I don't write about any particular topic. I just write. About whatever is spewing out of my mind when I decide to hunker down at the computer and write something. And it's usually about my life. So it's probably not very deep.

So why do I blog? An eternal question? I don't know. But I think that maybe it has to do with talking, which apparently I'm very good at (according to my husband) and I do like to write.

And writing for me is either going to be in a journal or on a computer. And the journal thing doesn't happen too often and to be honest, it's just not really public material that's in my journal. And you thank me for this profusely, I'm sure.

And as I keep typing, I realize that my thoughts have totally faded to nothing and I don't have any conclusion as to why I blog. Well, let's just try for finishing's sake and say good-bye.

I like to talk. I like to type. I like to talk.

The end.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

You like to type and I like to read. So as long as your blogging, I will be reading it! hehe