Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Friday

On this Friday, I just wanted to say Happy Friday! Not much more to say.

Oh, except I'm still pregnant and growing. Which is a good thing. ;-)

Here's an updated belly shot at 32.5 weeks exactly.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine

So... this morning, I had a hard time getting out of bed. It must've been because I woke up about 1200 times last night from heartburn... dang butternut squash ravioli. It was just too good and I ate it all. And my tummy was protesting.

Fast forward to this morning and my 45 minute descent from my mattress to the floor and I felt like I was making progress. You see, I was going to go downstairs, get some much needed orange juice and then get ready for my day. The plan for the morning included going to visit my friend Danie and possibly go for a walk which my dog desperately needs.

And then I hear a truck.

At first, I think it must be the mysterious truck that has arrived twice at my neighbor's house in the past couple of weeks, removing things from their house... that's a whole other post so I won't get into it. But then it stops. By my driveway. And I panic.

Could this be the furniture delivery people that are supposed to come today between 3-5pm? Could they possibly be totally early, surprising me in my huge pregnant belly t-shirt, scary hair and smudged eye make-up from the night before? Somebody gets out of the drivers side, with a clipboard and starts to walk up my driveway.

I burst into action... this isn't so impressive if you can imagine 32.5 weeks of baby belly looming. Running upstairs, grabbing jeans, a huge sweatshirt and tying my hair up, I come running down just as Deeter is faithfully announcing a visitor at our doorstep.

They delivered another dresser, removed the original one (dented) and now they are gone.

Furniture is delivered, I am writing this blog and Deeter is in his kennel because he couldn't control his behavior around the delivery guys. I still have yet to check the dresser for any dings or dents but I just don't have time nor do I feel like it. I just want to finish my orange juice in peace and get on with my day.

The end.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quickbooks and other oddities

On this particular Wednesday...

Quickbooks: How does an entire month of a year go missing? And how am I showing a profit for 2009 when I KNOW FOR A FACT that we lost money last year? This is a big question. Last year I took a class on Quickbooks and now I'm seeing the folly of my first year's attempts. 2010 will be a much better year but geez... this little problem will be a doozie to figure out.

Dogs: Since I now know that my dog's barking problem is almost completely our fault, I feel responsible to fix it. Unfortunately, one of the major needs in my doggie's life is a 45 "brisk" walk every single day. And double unfortunately, my feet hurt SO much these days that 45 minutes of anything at a single time on my feet doesn't sound so fun. Honey? Want to take our dog for a walk?? I'll stick with swimming...

Orange Juice: Question - how come I LOVE orange juice since I've gotten pregnant and guzzle it every single morning with a little bit of water, several ice cubes and a straw (this is all very important) and almost feel euphoric from the taste but oranges don't really make me feel the same way?

Neighbors: I think our neighbors have moved out of their house because they are never there anymore, the dogs never go outside anymore and they did move plenty of furniture recently. However, the house is not for sale. Do I go peek in the window? Is that creepy? Maybe?

Recycling: Since my husband has broken his collar bone and our driveway is extremely steep, we have been building quite the collection of recycling in our garage... He can't get it to the curb for pick-up. So you may see a large, pregnant chick unloading a truck load of recycling at the garbage dump (calm down... in the recycle area) in the next few days. This is a public notice.

Lastly, how do you get rid of the laundry pile without actually having to "do" the laundry? Mom? Mooooommmmmm? Probably not. Sigh.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Practice makes... Character?

I think that sometimes life really can be a full on sucker face of lemons and other times, it just isn't. And I'm not bringing this up to complain but lately, it seems like we have a big lemon tree in our backyard.

And really, that could be a bad thing but it hasn't. Basically, I've been getting very good at turning lemons into lemonade. In every single poopy thing, I've tried to ask myself what could I possibly learn from this or how could I take this ick and turn it into something great? To be honest, it hasn't always worked out exactly how I would want my lemonade to taste but it's always better than a big pucker face.

Obviously some things are going very well for us... having a baby (finally) and living in a very blessed country, food every single day (gasp!) etc, etc... I am thankful. So thankful. Every single day I am thankful.

But some things have just been difficult and time consuming and frustrating. And I figure since life is about learning to be totally alive to the fullest no matter what's going on around you, this is quite the opportunity for some good old fashioned practice!

Practice having a good outlook and practice being positive when things are frustrating. Because as I'm sure you've all heard growing up... practice makes perfect. At least that's what I heard over and over again... piano lessons. Ugh. Practice, practice, practice.

And you know what? I didn't get it perfect, even when I practiced 2 hours every single day. But I did get something else. I got a little bit more character with every try. And I figure, even if I don't get this whole life thing down totally straight with practice, at least I can count on some character, right?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Little Getaway

NOTE: I wrote this last week and forgot to post it. I guess I can't tell you about our trip until you know I went on one...

As you probably already know, I'm cookin' a handsome little fellow in my tummy. Yes, right now, as I type this. Crazy huh!

And since my due date is getting closer and closer, I have about 11 days left on the calendar during which I can travel on a plane. So this weekend, I'm headed to San Diego with my hubby for one last little getaway before Hudson enters our world and changes it forever!!

Which I can't wait for! Of course!!!

So we fly right out of Bellingham (LOVE this!!) direct to San Diego. Easy right? However, I'm seriously hoping we can get some assistance with boarding. Who's going to get our bags into the overhead bins? Not me. And not Luke. We make a pretty pathetic couple right now. Ha!

We don't really have any plans for once we arrive. The only thing I really need is to walk on the beach and be away from all the "to do" items of our life. No cell phones, no email, no work, no cooking, no house to clean, no dog to let out potty, the list is endless.

And suddenly I've run out of things to say. That just sounds too good!!

Oh right, and then we'll come home to regular life again. And then we'll have a baby!

The Bachelor

One word... wow.

I am in awe of the drama on this season. Some of those girls are total head cases. I honestly could hand out business cards to a counsellor on the show. Drama. Drama. Drama. But isn't that why we watch it? Entertainment because of other people's drama... I will admit, this season I have spent a considerable amount of time laughing. OUT LOUD. By myself!

And I am writing this while I'm watching episode 3 on my computer. It's just too much. Michelle is the most drama/head case/weird/creepy person that's ever, EVER been on this series. Ever. And there are others but basically, she was the best one yet.

The Bachelor is... um... well, I just don't know what else to say. I am speechless.

And that's why I love the Bachelor. :0)

And probably why my husband loves that I love it. Speechless.

Just as Deeter is in this picture... Either that or thinking 'why do they hate me so much?' And yes, the balloon is tied around his neck.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blogging: Basically talking to yourself

I don't really know why I blog.

I don't write about anything really meaningful and I don't write about any particular topic. I just write. About whatever is spewing out of my mind when I decide to hunker down at the computer and write something. And it's usually about my life. So it's probably not very deep.

So why do I blog? An eternal question? I don't know. But I think that maybe it has to do with talking, which apparently I'm very good at (according to my husband) and I do like to write.

And writing for me is either going to be in a journal or on a computer. And the journal thing doesn't happen too often and to be honest, it's just not really public material that's in my journal. And you thank me for this profusely, I'm sure.

And as I keep typing, I realize that my thoughts have totally faded to nothing and I don't have any conclusion as to why I blog. Well, let's just try for finishing's sake and say good-bye.

I like to talk. I like to type. I like to talk.

The end.

Monday, January 18, 2010


There was a time when Deeter's ears got bigger and then turned up. And stayed up.

I have to admit that we were a little bit worried because he looked like a 4 legged bat. But now when I look back on this little fellow, I kinda miss the ears... it added character.

And look at those little feet... they are just SO tidy!

A moment this morning...

I just had an epiphany this morning... like, it JUST hit me.

We're having a baby. A real human being is about to be moving out of my belly and into our home. Like... in 9 weeks. Well... according to the whole "due date" thing which I know is quite inaccurate but still. 9 weeks.

About 2.3 minutes ago I was standing in my kitchen, drinking a chocolate (MMmmmm) protein shake and flipping through a baby book that my friend lent to me and it just hit me. I am reading these books now because in just over 2 months, I will have to know something about a baby. Like how to swaddle him and change his diaper and possibly be the "all knowing mommy" that children think their moms are at the beginning.

Well, let's just get that on the table right now. I don't know very much about this. The truth is out. It's going to be a hit and miss thing. But I'm more than willing to learn and I'm sure this little fellow in my tummy is more than willing to work with me!

Anyway, I just had this urgent moment of OMG, I have to blog about this. I have to tell someone. And even if I'm the only someone who reads this blog, then that counts for something right?


Hello? Helloooooooo?

Oh, I'm still here. Well, that's a relief.

Happy Monday!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

On a serious note or less funny note... whatever

I like to write about nonsense on this blog. Or my life. Whichever you choose to call it.

And because it's my blog and my life, today I am going to blog for a second about a book I'm reading. It's about to change EVERYTHING in our home. For the better. Ready?

I'm reading "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey and basically it's depressing to know that we have some work to do but refreshing to know that we're on the right track and exciting to know that we can make a big difference in our money life in the next year. I'm pumped. And full of adrenaline. And commitment.

If you haven't read this book, you should. Chances are that you too will fit into the category of people he is talking to. And if you don't, you rock! Really you do! And I plan to be one of the rocking ones in the future! And this isn't just a boring old money book. I've read half the book in less than a few days and I can't get enough of it. And I don't read non-fiction. Probably almost never... or ever. I think my last book was about 2 years ago and I didn't really finish it.

So here's to finishing non-fiction books and actually doing something with the information in them. And here's to an amazing change in our life that will require sacrifice now but is totally worth the work!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Do this and you'll be arrested

I was just plowing around online (plowing explanation: I am much larger than I was 7 months ago... I don't do anything gracefully anymore) and I found this random little fact about the city I live in.

It is illegal for a woman to take more than 3 steps backwards while dancing.

Did you know this? I was completely unaware. But now I am SO glad that I have this information in my pocket. Next time I notice this kind of unruly behavior, I'm going to call the police.

And just because it's today:

Did you know that most toilets flush in E flat?

I can't believe I'm admitting this...

Tell me if I'm totally dysfunctional.

I hear the UPS driver stop by my house while I'm upstairs. I hear my dog start barking like he gets paid per bark so that tells me someone is coming up my driveway. And then the barking stops. This means that whomever was at my door is now gone.

With all of this rich data, I can conclude that there is something at my door. And I walk right past the door (because I'm pregnant and forget oh so easily) and walk to my computer. Once at the computer, I read a few blogs, check my email and then remember that something was delivered to my door about 5 minutes ago.

Proceed to check my inbox for shipping confirmations. I find one! And I click on it to see if possibly it was the car seat we ordered that has been delivered. Well, lo and behold, the package is showing a location of "FRNT DR".

I guess I could've just walked to the door and checked...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Keeping it all together

Just a few things on this:

It's just not going to happen. Unless I get a nap in at some point today.

Okay, maybe just one thing.

Have a nice day!

The Pool

At least a couple of times a week now, I swim at the local aquatic center where I live. Usually in the mornings and because of that hour in the day, most of the people there are either seniors or mommies with kids. And a few others.

But more specifically, the diving pool where I... you'll love this... deep water run (ahem) is usually filled with older women. And that doesn't really matter much to me because they are all lovely and of course, one day I will also be apart of that age group (and I HOPE THAT SOMEONE THINKS I'M ALSO LOVELY AT THAT AGE...) but for the sake of this post, just hold on.

A few weeks ago, after a swim, I had this random thought and tweeted it. Without thinking. And then I thought about it afterwards. And I wonder.

Here it is:

Well, I can't find it. But it went something along the lines of wondering exactly how many people actually pee in the pool. And I think of this for a couple of reasons.

I am pregnant. And every single day, my bladder gets a little bit more squished. And the last week or so I have totally noticed that when I'm swimming, it's an awful relief when I'm done my hour of strenuous deep water running (ahem) and I can race to the bathroom. And for the record, I DO NOT pee in the pool.

But being pregnant has learned me a couple of things. (lame grammar and English but who cares!) Kegels are a pregnant girls best friend. But they are also really good for all women and even men. So don't roll your eyes at me for evening mentioning these things on my blog. And I read something recently that incontinence in older women is mainly a lack of kegel exercise in all the years before this problem starts.

So again... I go back to my main population in the deep water pool. I wonder exactly how many of those ladies did their kegels??

Enough said.

Tonight's the Night!

Well... I guess that depends upon what you think I mean when I say that...

It's not really that exciting of a night if you're anyone but me. Or my baby's Daddy. Sorry, I can't help but laugh every time I say that. It's just so cheeseball. But I thrive on cheese so I will probably say it again at some point.

But ANYWAY, tonight is the NIGHT for painting!!! With my baby's Daddy. lol.

Okay, I'll stop.

We're painting the baby's room tonight. Although it's already 5:30pm and I just don't know how far we'll actually get. We have ambitious ideas and then tend to fall off the wagon of ambition onto the couch. But the furniture comes on Thursday and I don't really feel like getting paint on furniture. And since we all know about the current state of broken-husband, I won't go into why I don't want to paint later. Paint now, furniture in. The end.

And because I'm such a careful, planned out blogger, I just ran upstairs and took a couple of poorly lit pictures for your viewing pleasure of what the little fellow's room currently looks like. Because I care and I know you really want to see how badly it looks in there.

Please note: those circa 1986 blue mini blinds do not have a future in this room.

Nor does Daddy's drum set.
I think that's it for now. Maybe if I'm feeling on top of it and get enough sleep over the next few days, I'll post something else after we're finished painting. Or maybe you can savor these photos until we're totally done decorating and do some befores and afters. I like.

Not breathing the paint fumes (it's low/eco VOC so stay calm), I'm out!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A tale of my absence.

Well, I'm sorry to say that I've not been totally in the blogging spirit these last days. This is partly due to the fact that life has been pretty crazy since Christmas. People visiting from out of town, food to eat, mess to clean, New Year's Eve party, New Year's day recoup, and possibly a husband + a broken collar bone can also come into this lack of blogging excuse. And a baby on the way who is growing and making his mama tired all over again. But let’s go back to the collarbone thingamajig…

Yep, he broke his collar bone. Here's how it happened:

Yes... a little blurry. BUT, it's captured on camera. And while this was all happening, I was sleeping. And I woke up to the sound of a truck driving up our driveway and I thought... 'yay, he's home and now we can go to Seattle, stop at MAC make-up and then go to IKEA to buy our baby's bookshelf. Happy New Year's Day!!!'

And then he walked in. Covered in dirt, looking really sad and announcing that he'd hurt his shoulder. It took about 3 suggestions before he actually decided that going to a walk-in clinic would be a good idea. He was still planning on our trip to Seattle. And good thing we didn't go. I would've had a big baby to care for as well as the little one growing in my tummy. And a broken collar bone plus a floating little piece in there just for fun. FUN!!!

And there you have it. The story of my lack of blogging activity. And I really do want to blog. I just haven't. And I will try to be more faithful in my posts. I will... I WILL.

And now it's time to think of something to eat for dinner. Because... food is just what I'm in the mood for right about now! I think I am in the mood for it a lot but that's just life.